AMF: American Idol Auditions

Kelly, aspiring singer and past auditioner for American Idol once said that if you don’t “fit the part” or have a story the country will find interesting, you don’t make it. 

I remember watching one year and seeing one girl in the round 1 or 2 phase having a great voice (better than others that made it, in my opinion), being told that American Idol had a certain image to keep and she didn’t fit it. She was a little overweight. I have seen goths, wiccans, ska, and men looking like women (see my article on Skinny Jeans for Men), but that girl “didn’t fit the mold.”  

Is this our only cut-off? If we are so desperate to be Lady Gaga’s “little monsters” and tell the world, “We were born this way,” then why do we still have these judgement calls? 


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