Married People Secrets: Welcome Blog

Hey, I was single once. I wondered why my married friends disappeared. My best friend from high school and I were inseparable even after going to separate colleges. But once she got married, our friendship didn’t make it through their engagement. I was yesterday’s news. It hurt. A lot. 

It wasn’t until a married friend shared with me somethings about married life that I realized...there’s a whole world of explanations, reasons that I don’t know anything about--it’s like a secret world that all married people are in-on but don’t want to share because it might compromise the “sanctity of the inner circle.” This circle IS sacred. If it is broken, i.e. the marital secrets are shared, there is no trust. And I’m not planning on revealing any of my own. 

But I do think it’s important for others to know a few things, specifically those that might be frustratingly mistranslated by single friends. I'm working through my own discoveries with my amazingly patient husband. I never dated before him and just...didn't know how a lot of things work. But we learn as we live our lives together. Suddenly we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, but in one day, we are publicly on the track to marriage, lifelong attachment that a constant sparkle from your finger reminds you. It's a huge leap.

These are my observations about life, beauty, and what should not be considered beautiful.


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