Blue Milk Glass Hen on Nest
It’s hard to know where to begin with this blue, milk-glass hen I love so much. There are SO MANY available in most every antique store you walk into. But I was looking for something specific. Carolyne Rhoem, New York Socialite decor artist (like Martha Stewart only classy and without the jail thing) and a see-through dark blue glass hen and she’s what got me on the hunt for my own. In case you didn’t know, the glass hen on the nest has a HUGE following. I’m determined not to own more than one, but I have seen a few that surprised me and I wanted to add to this little beauty. Just to show you what a big deal she is, there is a book available on called “Glass Hen on Next Covered Dishes: Identification & Value Guide.” Then there’s the National Milk Glass Collector’s Society which has an extensive article about identification and classification of glass hens on nest ( ) . ...