AMF: Women's Porn & Marriage

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The book Every Woman’s Battle, less-known counterpart to the wildly successful Every Man’s Battle, cited romance novels as women’s version of porn. I could see that. I mean, let’s be honest, women love to believe that a ridiculously gorgeous man who happens to be Ripped, Rich, and Real with you (yes, the three R’s) could totally happen upon your life suddenly and fall madly in love with you. 

I know, the Twilight Series is not listed in the Teen Romance section of any bookstore. But the same idea follows, he is obsessingly baffled by her (every girls’ dream) and can’t stay away (even while she sleeps) and oh yeah, he’s always asking what she’s thinking about because he can read everyone’s mind but hers (convenient). Doesn’t every girl dream to have a guy begging to know what she’s thinking about?? Ladies, look for a Comm major. My husband is the best listener I’ve ever met--even when I’m talking about my hair. 

Anyway, the romance novel industry is huge and you know what else is?  Teen pregnancy. I’m not saying adults are smarter and can recognize the difference between reality and fantasy better than teens. But, like any use of pornography, I think it opens your mind to what-ifs.

Man:  That girl is hot. And she’s looking at me from that magazine all hot. I’ll bet I’m cool enough to get a girl like that.

Woman:  This character is so caring and sexy and a great listener!  I wish my husband were like that...

You think I’m exaggerating, but the whole point of porn is it stimulates your imagination, even enough to believe outrageous things could be possible. Teens, alright stimulated by imagination, the belief that nothing can happen to them and hormones (the worst of all possible combinations), do NOT need this material. Who in their right mind would sit down and think, “You know who needs a good story to relate to them in their hormone-charged lives? Teenagers!”  This is a money-making opportunity and I’m aghast that it is being supported. 


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