AMF: Men's Skinny Jeans
Yeah, I know male photograpers have inducted Skinny Jeans as their official garb, but remember the time before it existed? Remember what photographers wore then? Are remember how they were still artsy and cool?  

I don’t know if it’s the lack of role models or what, but someone needs to show today’s men how to dress like men. No more Beiber hairstyles to the side-swoop, no more skinny jeans and no more V-neck shirts. Like, forever. 

I lived in China for a year and apparently, it has become really popular for guys to be really skinny, pale, and have really spiked-out hair. Sound familiar? Yes, it’s modeled after Japanation--Japanese animation characters like Dragon Balls Z. My Chinese friend explained to me that girls like this style (the guy looking pale and sickly) because they can feel needed, like the guy needs her to nurse him back to health. Is this what we want???


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