Early 20s Marriage vs. Late 20s Marriage

Sometimes, it’s awesome to get married later. I’m not talking about your second marriage being better than the first (I think all would agree that no marriage is as sweet as the first). I’m saying that you can know a lot more before you go into the marriage when you date after college. 

Sure there’s that sucky time of watching all your friends get engaged junior year and then married senior year and right after. Then there’s the wave of all those friends starting to produce (Facebook babies unite!)... 
Photo from http://www.lorussostudios.com

After all THAT’S over with, you are probably finding your place in the working world. And you know what? So is your future spouse!  So when you date, you get to see the spouse in their place in the world, career, financial stability (or instability), and a personality firmly set after moving away from the college roommates. Their weight has finally settled, their gym habits are not wavering.  A lot that hasn’t stabilized can be predicted by certain habits. The beer-bottle count has usually finally stabilized. Spending habits show if future spouse will be a big spender and splurging on a mid-life crisis or encouraging you to build up the 401k. 

Dating in college, you barely know your favorite food, much less how to manage finances or how to separate your laundry. I read somewhere that people stuped in debt are looking for other people in debt to tie the knot with. Their logic? What the heck, why not? I just it when we have a country filled with no-holds-barred people. Because that won’t drive us into the ground. 

Anyway, seeing possible spouses firmly set in their life is like receiving a write up of their profile. But here’s the negative--a lot of those dates can be more like an interview. I found it oddly refreshing, you know, gettin’ down to business. It was nice to feel like I wasn’t wasting time. And when it works, it just...works. 

What do you think? Is it better to get married younger?


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